Maintaining your garden

As we may have mentioned earlier, plants used in our gardens are hardy and require little care or attention to thrive. But if you must feel comfortable, here are some guidelines to help you along

Direct sunlight is not required for your mini garden, in fact, it will be good to avoid it. Just put your garden in a place with natural or fluorescent light

Remove dead leaves will ensure that your garden looks fresh always. For closed gardens, you may want to prune the stems of overgrown plants by snipping them off with a sharp pair of scissors.

These hardy plants require very little water to survive and over watering can cause their roots to decay so do not be overly generous with water. On the contrary, if the plants are not having enough water, watch out for signs of droopy leaves and just top up a little and they will recover. Take care not to over compensate for lack of water and drown them!

Closed gardens
Gardens with enclosed top will form mist at cool temperatures but the mist will clear up at higher temperatures. This is perfectly normal and part of the self watering process. If you feel that the mist is too much, you can open the bottle and wait for the mist to clear. Do ensure that you open the bottle once every two weeks at least to let it have a change of air. Water lightly only when no mist is formed after you closed the bottle back after ventilation.

Open garden
As water has more chance to evaporate to the atmosphere, it is recommended to water once every two to three days.

Watering techniques
Avoid pouring water into your garden as you are more likely to over water your plants this way. Use measured amounts of water using a straw or a tablespoon and gently release the water near the roots of the plants. This will minimize disturbance to the habitat.